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Distinguished Lecture Series

ANAHEI Distinguished Lecture: Prof Jason Shaw

ANAHEI Distinguished Lecture: Prof Jason Shaw

Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI) is pleased to invite you to join Distinguished Lecture Series: Prof Jason Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Journal. His lecture title is "Reports from the Global Field: The IMPACT Project" on July 20, 2017 at 6pm EST. Jason D. Shaw is Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Management and Marketing, the Yeung Kan Man Endowed Professor, and Director of the Centre for Leadership and Innovation in the Faculty of Business at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Academy of Management Journal. AMJ is the top journal in Financial Times Top 50 Journals Used in Business School Research Rankings. AJM's Impact Factor: 6.233, 5-Year Impact Factor: 10.588, and ranked #3 out of 192 journals in the category of "Management." and #2 out of 120 journals in category of "Business." He received his PhD from the University of Arkansas. His research has appeared or accepted for publication in consensus top-level journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology, in addition to practitioner-oriented outlets such as the Harvard Business Review, Compensation and Benefits Review, and World at Work Journal. His research interests include turnover patterns, team effectiveness, and the psychology of financial incentives. He is currently the lead investigator on the IMPACT Project, a global study of reactions to pay changes.


ANAHEI Lecture Series: Dr. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh- WarpPLS

ANAHEI Lecture Series: Dr. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh- WarpPLS

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a statistical approach to analyze a hypothetical framework. It allows a researcher to test and develop theories, and to test the relationships between latent variables on the conceptual model. PLS-SEM, a major type of SEM, can handle theory development and is lenient towards model’s assumption of data normality and sample size. PLS-SEM is a variance-based approach and aims to maximize the explained variance of the dependent latent constructs. Hence, PLS-SEM is preferred when a researcher wants to predict the construct and identify relationship between them. WarpPLS software package is a powerful non-linear package to perform PLS-SEM. It can handle linear and non-linear relationships between constructs. The software provides various composite and factor –based algorithms for outer model, and different resampling methods. In addition to all quality criteria to assess the reflective and formative measurement models, several important criteria such as; full collinearity including lateral and vertical collinearity between constructs are provided by WarpPLS. It provides plots of all relationships between constructs, as well as, 2D and 3D figures for moderators. WarpPLS 6.0 as the latest version of WarpPLS, providing many more new features to analyze models. This webinar will briefly explain PLS-SEM and WarpPLS and its features. Dr. S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh is a lecturer and senior researcher at the School of Housing, Building, and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He has published several articles in high impact SSCI-indexed journals such as Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Cities, Habitat International, International Journal of Tourism Research, and Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.

Association of North America Higher Education International, Inc is a non-profit registered in the State of Florida (License#: N17000002971)

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